“I mostly work in my home area, and I am especially interested in the life and atmosphere in old forests, and in ancient rock-paintings and the myths behind the pictures. I am fascinated by the relation and connections between man and animals – now and in the days gone by. I have made – alone and in co-operation with others – twenty photography-books and about fifteen photography-exhibitions. I write and illustrate magazine-articles, I arrange picture-shows and lectures.”
Heikki Willamo
A photography-artist, nature photographer and author living in Karjalohja.
heikki.willamo@gmail.com, tel. +358 50 495 1413
On the Eagle-Owl-Hill
Maahenki, 2008.This was a co-operation-project together with my good friend, photographer Leo Vuorinen.
House in the woods
Maahenki, 2010.A project, realized together with the photographer Kai Fagerström and the poet Risto Rasa.
A year in a forest
Maahenki, 2012.A project lasting the cycle of one year, during which I spent all the time that I could in one particular forest.
Maahenki ja Musta taide 2014.A project realized together with the Swedish photographer Mats Andersson was, as indicated by its name, concentrated on encounters with animals.