Heikki Willamo

Photography-artist & Author

“I mostly work in my home area, and I am especially interested in the life and atmosphere in old forests, and in ancient rock-paintings and the myths behind the pictures. I am fascinated by the relation and connections between man and animals – now and in the days gone by. I have made – alone and in co-operation with others – twenty photography-books and about fifteen photography-exhibitions. I write and illustrate magazine-articles, I arrange picture-shows and lectures.”


Heikki Willamo

A photography-artist, nature photographer and author living in Karjalohja.

heikki.willamo@gmail.com, tel. +358 50 495 1413

A mythical journey

Maahenki, 2017.

A mythical journey is a trip of the mind in the footsteps of men that made pictures of animals, from the Ice-Age caverns in south-western Europe to the open skies of the Nordic countries. It describes the millennial relation between man and animals and tries to reach the experience and mindscape of the ancient hunter. The starting point is mankind’s oldest pictures – the cave- and rock-art of the Stone Age. Acting as tour-guides are bears, elks, deer, the extinct auroxen, mammoths and wild horses.

On the Eagle-Owl-Hill

Maahenki, 2008.

This was a co-operation-project together with my good friend, photographer Leo Vuorinen.

House in the woods

Maahenki, 2010.

A project, realized together with the photographer Kai Fagerström and the poet Risto Rasa.

A year in a forest

Maahenki, 2012.

A project lasting the cycle of one year, during which I spent all the time that I could in one particular forest.


Maahenki ja Musta taide 2014.

A project realized together with the Swedish photographer Mats Andersson was, as indicated by its name, concentrated on encounters with animals.